Source: extras/Trackball.js

 *  @class Trackball
 *  @memberof SQR
 *  @description Trackball controls. Usage:
 *  @example
var trackball = new SQR.Trackball();
var t = new SQR.Transform();
t.useQuaternion = true;
// then, inside render function
 *  @todo add destroy method to clear listeners
SQR.Trackball = function() {

    var t = {};

    t.rotation = new SQR.Quaternion();

     *  @private
     *  @description Based on {@link}
     *  @param mx mouse X position in range [ -1 , 1 ]
     *  @param my mouse Y position in range [ -1 , 1 ]
     *  @param radius of the arc ball for interaction. Default value: 0.5
    var mouseToUnitSphereVector = function(mx, my, gr, v) {
        gr = gr || 0.5;
        v = v || new SQR.V3();

        var px = mx / gr;
        var py = my / gr;
        var rl = px * px + py * py;

        if (rl >= 1) {
            v.set(px, py, 0);
        } else {
            v.set(px, py, Math.sqrt(1 - rl));


        return v;

    var mx = 0, my = 0, isDown = false;
    var lastMV = new SQR.V3(), currMV = new SQR.V3(), deltaR = new SQR.Quaternion();
    var aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;

    var normalizeMouseCoords = function(e) {
        e = ('ontouchstart' in document) ? e.targetTouches[0] : e;
        mx = (e.pageX / window.innerWidth * 2 - 1) * aspect;
        my = (e.pageY / window.innerHeight * 2 - 1) * -1;

    var onInteractionStart = function(e) {
        isDown = true;
        mouseToUnitSphereVector(mx, my, 1, lastMV);

    var onInteractionMove = function(e) {
        if (isDown) {

            mouseToUnitSphereVector(mx, my, 1, currMV);

            var a =, currMV);
            lastMV.cross(currMV, lastMV);
            deltaR.set(lastMV.x, lastMV.y, lastMV.z, a);

    var onInteractionEnd = function() {
        isDown = false;

    if('ontouchstart' in document) {
        document.addEventListener('touchstart', onInteractionStart, false);
        document.addEventListener('touchmove', onInteractionMove, false);
        document.addEventListener('touchend', onInteractionEnd, false);
    } else {
        document.addEventListener('mousedown', onInteractionStart, false);
        document.addEventListener('mousemove', onInteractionMove, false);
        document.addEventListener('mouseup', onInteractionEnd, false);

    return t;