* @namespace GeometryTools
* @memberof SQR
* @description Tools to work with geometries/buffers.
SQR.GeometryTools = (function() {
var geoTools = {};
var MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 65535;
* @method batch
* @memberof SQR.GeometryTools
* @description Combines all the geometries in a tree into one geometry. It assumes (but does not check)
* that all the children can be rendered using the same shader and that all their buffers have the same
* layout.
* @param {SQR.Transform} container - the root of the tree to combine.
* This object and all it's children will be combined.
* @returns {SQR.Transform} the same object as passed in the argument. It will have no children
* and will have a buffer containing all the combine geometries. If the container shader was not set
* it will inherit the shader from the first child that had one.
geoTools.batch = function(container) {
var batchObjects = [], size = 0;
var updateTransform = function(t) {
if (t.numChildren > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.numChildren; i++) {
if(t.buffer) {
if(t.buffer.isIndexed()) {
console.warn("> SQR.GeometryTools.batch - indexed buffers can't be batched (yet)");
} else {
size += t.buffer.size;
if(t.shader && !container.shader) {
container.shader = t.shader;
var cb = SQR.Buffer().layout(batchObjects[0].buffer.layout, size);
var offset = 0, base = 0, tmp = new SQR.V3(), tmpMat = new SQR.Matrix33(), c = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < batchObjects.length; i++) {
var bo = batchObjects[i];
var b = batchObjects[i].buffer;
var tb = new Float32Array(b.size * b.strideSize);
b.iterate('aPosition', function(i, d, c) {
tmp.set(d[i+0], d[i+1], d[i+2], 1);
tb[i+0] = tmp.x;
tb[i+1] = tmp.y;
tb[i+2] = tmp.z;
b.iterate('aNormal', function(i, d, c) {
tmp.set(d[i+0], d[i+1], d[i+2]);
tb[i+0] = tmp.x;
tb[i+1] = tmp.y;
tb[i+2] = tmp.z;
cb.setRawData(tb, offset - base);
offset += b.size * b.strideSize;
// console.log('batched ' + container.numChildren + ' geometries, ' + size + ' vertices, ' + offset + ' elements in array');
container.buffer = cb.update();
return container;
return geoTools;