Source: math/Intersection.js

 * @namespace Intersection
 * @memberof SQR
 * @description Utility to perform intersection tests of rays against colliders. It is a static singleton, no need to instantiate. Just use: SQR.Intersection.rayTest(...)
SQR.Intersection = {};

 * Performs an intersection test of a ray against a transform that has a collider. J3D supports three types of colliders: sphere, box and mesh. This method will check what type of collider the transform has and call the apropriate method to make the intersection tests.
 * WARNING. For meshes that have lots of polys, the ray/mesh intersection test can be very slow! It's better to wrap it into a box or sphere collider or have a simpler version of the mesh to make intersection tests against.
 * @param {SQR.Ray} r an instance of J3D.Ray
 * @param {SQR.Transform} t a transform to test against.
 * @returns True if ray intersects with the collider, false otherwise. If the transform doesn't have a collider the method returns false.
SQR.Intersection.rayTest = function(r, t) {

	if (!t.collider) {
		console.log("Intersection test failed. " + + " has no collider.");
		return false;

	if (!SQR.Intersection.__tv1) {
		SQR.Intersection.__tv1 = new SQR.V3();
		SQR.Intersection.__tv2 = new SQR.V3();
		SQR.Intersection.__tv3 = new SQR.V3();
		SQR.Intersection.__tv4 = new SQR.V3();
		SQR.Intersection.__tv5 = new SQR.V3();
		SQR.Intersection.__tv6 = new SQR.V3();
		SQR.Intersection.__tv7 = new SQR.V3();

	switch (t.collider.type) {
		case SQR.Collider.SPHERE:
			return SQR.Intersection.raySphere(r, t);
		case SQR.Collider.BOX:
			return SQR.Intersection.rayBox(r, t);
		case SQR.Collider.MESH:
			return SQR.Intersection.rayMesh(r, t);
			throw "> SQR.Intersection > unknown collider type on " +;
			return false;

 * Performs an intersection test of a ray against a transform that has a mesh collider.
 * WARNING. For meshes that have lots of polys, the ray/mesh intersection test can be very slow! It's better to wrap it into a box or sphere collider or have a simpler version of the mesh to make intersection tests against.
 * @param {J3D.Ray} r an instance of J3D.Ray
 * @param {J3D.Transform} t a transform to test against.
 * @returns True if ray intersects with the collider, false otherwise. If the transform doesn't have a geometry the method returns false.
SQR.Intersection.rayMesh = function(r, t) {

	if ( {
		if (!SQR.Intersection.rayBox(r, t)) {
			return false;
	} else {

	var v = t.buffer.getDataArray();
	var d = t.buffer.getIndexArray();
	var op = t.buffer.attributes['aPosition'].offset;

	var c = false;

	var p0 = SQR.Intersection.__tv1;
	var p1 = SQR.Intersection.__tv2;
	var p2 = SQR.Intersection.__tv3;

	for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i += 3) {
		var i0 = d[i + 0] * t.buffer.strideSize + op;
		var i1 = d[i + 1] * t.buffer.strideSize + op;
		var i2 = d[i + 2] * t.buffer.strideSize + op;

		p0.set(v[ i0 ], v[ i0 + 1 ], v[ i0 + 2 ]);
		p1.set(v[ i1 ], v[ i1 + 1 ], v[ i1 + 2 ]);
		p2.set(v[ i2 ], v[ i2 + 1 ], v[ i2 + 2 ]);

		c = c || SQR.Intersection.rayTriangle(r, p0, p1, p2);
		if (c) break;

	return c;

 * Performs an intersection test of a ray against a single triangle.
 * You should not have to call this method directly, unless you have specific needs, like ex. doing intersection tests for particles.
SQR.Intersection.rayTriangle = function(r, p0, p1, p2, n) {

	var p = SQR.Intersection.__tv4;
	var n = SQR.Intersection.__tv5;

	var t1 = SQR.Intersection.__tv6;
	var t2 = SQR.Intersection.__tv7;

	t1.sub(p0, p1);
	t2.sub(p2, p0);

	n.cross(t1, t2).norm();

	var dot =, r.localDirection);
	if (!( dot < 0 )) {
		return false;

	var d =, p0);
	var t = d -, r.localOrigin);

	if (!( t <= 0 )) {
		return false;

	t = t / dot;

	p = p.norm().mul(t);

	var u0, u1, u2, v0, v1, v2;

	if (Math.abs(n.x) > Math.abs(n.y)) {

		if (Math.abs(n.x) > Math.abs(n.z)) {

			u0 = p.y - p0.y;
			u1 = p1.y - p0.y;
			u2 = p2.y - p0.y;

			v0 = p.z - p0.z;
			v1 = p1.z - p0.z;
			v2 = p2.z - p0.z;

		} else {

			u0 = p.x - p0.x;
			u1 = p1.x - p0.x;
			u2 = p2.x - p0.x;

			v0 = p.y - p0.y;
			v1 = p1.y - p0.y;
			v2 = p2.y - p0.y;


	} else {

		if (Math.abs(n.y) > Math.abs(n.z)) {

			u0 = p.x - p0.x;
			u1 = p1.x - p0.x;
			u2 = p2.x - p0.x;

			v0 = p.z - p0.z;
			v1 = p1.z - p0.z;
			v2 = p2.z - p0.z;

		} else {

			u0 = p.x - p0.x;
			u1 = p1.x - p0.x;
			u2 = p2.x - p0.x;

			v0 = p.y - p0.y;
			v1 = p1.y - p0.y;
			v2 = p2.y - p0.y;



	var temp = u1 * v2 - v1 * u2;
	if (!(temp != 0)) {
		return false;

	temp = 1 / temp;

	var alpha = ( u0 * v2 - v0 * u2 ) * temp;
	if (!(alpha >= 0)) {

		return false;

	var beta = ( u1 * v0 - v1 * u0 ) * temp;
	if (!(beta >= 0)) {
		return false;

	var gamma = 1 - alpha - beta;
	if (!(gamma >= 0)) {
		return false;

	return t;


 * Performs an intersection test of a ray against a transform that has a sphere collider.
 * @param {J3D.Ray} r an instance of J3D.Ray
 * @param {J3D.Transform} t a transform to test against.
 * @returns True if ray intersects with the collider, false otherwise. If the transform doesn't have a sphere collider the method returns false.
SQR.Intersection.raySphere = function(r, t) {

	var e = SQR.Intersection.__tv1;
	var radius = t.collider.radius;
	var radiusSq = radius * radius;


	e.sub(, r.localOrigin);
	if (e.lengthSq < radiusSq) return false;

	var a =, r.localDirection);
	if (a <= 0) return false;

	var t = radiusSq - ( e.magsq() - a * a );
	if (t >= 0) return Math.abs(a) - Math.sqrt(t);

	return false;


 * Performs an intersection test of a ray against a transform that has a box collider.
 * @param {J3D.Ray} r an instance of J3D.Ray
 * @param {J3D.Transform} t a transform to test against.
 * @returns True if ray intersects with the collider, false otherwise. If the transform doesn't have a box collider the method returns false.
SQR.Intersection.rayBox = function(r, t) {
	var b =;


	var xt = 0, yt = 0, zt = 0;
	var xn = 0, yn = 0, zn = 0;
	var ins = true;

	if (r.localOrigin.x < b.minX) {

		xt = b.minX - r.localOrigin.x;
		//if(xt > r.localDirection.x) return return Number.MAX_VALUE;
		xt /= r.localDirection.x;
		ins = false;
		xn = -1;

	} else if (r.localOrigin.x > b.maxX) {

		xt = b.maxX - r.localOrigin.x;
		//if(xt < r.localDirection.x) return return Number.MAX_VALUE;
		xt /= r.localDirection.x;
		ins = false;
		xn = 1;


	if (r.localOrigin.y < b.minY) {

		yt = b.minY - r.localOrigin.y;
		//if(yt > r.localDirection.y) return return Number.MAX_VALUE;
		yt /= r.localDirection.y;
		ins = false;
		yn = -1;

	} else if (r.localOrigin.y > b.maxY) {

		yt = b.maxY - r.localOrigin.y;
		//if(yt < r.localDirection.y) return return Number.MAX_VALUE;
		yt /= r.localDirection.y;
		ins = false;
		yn = 1;


	if (r.localOrigin.z < b.minZ) {

		zt = b.minZ - r.localOrigin.z;
		//if(zt > r.direction.z) return return Number.MAX_VALUE;
		zt /= r.localDirection.z;
		ins = false;
		zn = -1;

	} else if (r.localOrigin.z > b.maxZ) {

		zt = b.maxZ - r.localOrigin.z;
		//if(zt < r.direction.z) return return Number.MAX_VALUE;
		zt /= r.localDirection.z;
		ins = false;
		zn = 1;


	if (ins) return -1;

	var which = 0;
	var td = xt;

	if (yt > td) {

		which = 1;
		td = yt;


	if (zt > td) {

		which = 2;
		td = zt;


	switch (which) {

		case 0:

			var y = r.localOrigin.y + r.localDirection.y * td;
			if (y < b.minY || y > b.maxY) return false;
			var z = r.localOrigin.z + r.localDirection.z * td;
			if (z < b.minZ || z > b.maxZ) return false;
			//ab.normal = v3(xn, 0, 0);

		case 1:

			var x = r.localOrigin.x + r.localDirection.x * td;
			if (x < b.minX || x > b.maxX) return false;
			var z = r.localOrigin.z + r.localDirection.z * td;
			if (z < b.minZ || z > b.maxZ) return false;
			//ab.normal = v3(0, yn, 0);

		case 2:

			var x = r.localOrigin.x + r.localDirection.x * td;
			if (x < b.minX || x > b.maxX) return false;
			var y = r.localOrigin.y + r.localDirection.y * td;
			if (y < b.minY || y > b.maxY) return false;
			//ab.normal = new v3(0, 0, zn);


	return td;