* @class Matrix2D
* @memberof SQR
* @description A matrix that implements 2D affine transformations.
* Most of the method return the current instance for chaining.
* @todo Make it column major
SQR.Matrix2D = function() {
this.data = new Float32Array(9);
var a, b, d, x, y;
* @method identity
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @description Resets the matrix to identity values.
this.identity = function(d) {
d = d || this.data;
d[0] = 1,d[3] = 0,d[6] = 0;
d[1] = 0,d[4] = 1,d[7] = 0;
d[2] = 0,d[5] = 0,d[8] = 1;
return this;
* @method transformVector
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @description Multiplies the vector by the matrix
* @param v vector to multiply
* @returns the same vector as passed in the parameter, multiplied by this matrix
this.transformVector = function(v) {
d = this.data;
x = v.x,y = v.y;
v.x = d[0] * x + d[1] * y + d[2];
v.y = d[3] * x + d[4] * y + d[5];
return v;
* @method setTranslation
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @description Sets the translation values.
* @param tx x translation
* @param ty y translation
* @param m the matrix to set translation to, applies to this if ommited
this.setTranslation = function(tx, ty, m) {
d = m || this.data;
d[0] = 1,d[3] = 0,d[6] = tx;
d[1] = 0,d[4] = 1,d[7] = ty;
d[2] = 0,d[5] = 0,d[8] = 1;
return this;
* @method getTranslation
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @description Returns the translation value as 2d vector.
* @param {SQR.V2} v vector to use to return values in, if ommited a new vector object is returned
* @returns {SQR.V2} 2d vector with translation values
this.getTranslation = function(v) {
d = this.data;
v = v || new SQR.V2();
v.x = d[2];
v.y = d[5];
return v;
* @method setScale
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @description Sets the scale values.
* @param sx x scale
* @param sy y scale
* @param m the matrix to set scale to, applies to `this` if ommited
this.setScale = function(sx, sy, m) {
d = m || this.data;
d[0] = sx,d[3] = 0, d[6] = 0;
d[1] = 0, d[4] = sy,d[7] = 0;
d[2] = 0, d[5] = 0, d[8] = 1;
return this;
* @method setShear
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @description Sets the scale values.
* @param sx x shear
* @param sy y shear
* @param m the matrix to set shear to, applies to `this` if ommited
this.setShear = function(sx, sy, m) {
d = m || this.data;
d[0] = 1, d[3] = sx,d[6] = 0;
d[1] = sy,d[4] = 1, d[7] = 0;
d[2] = 0, d[5] = 0, d[8] = 1;
return this;
* @method setRotation
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @description Sets the rotation value.
* @param a angle in radians
* @param m the matrix to set shear to, applies to `this` if ommited
this.setRotation = function(a, m) {
d = m || this.data;
var r0 = Math.cos(a);
var r1 = Math.sin(a);
d[0] = r0,d[3] = -r1,d[6] = 0;
d[1] = r1,d[4] = r0, d[7] = 0;
d[2] = 0, d[5] = 0, d[8] = 1;
return this;
* @method setTRS
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @description Sets the translation/rotation/scale values at once.
* @param tx x translation
* @param ty y translation
* @param a angle in radians
* @param sx x scale
* @param sy y scale
this.setTRS = function(tx, ty, a, sx, sy) {
d = this.data;
var r0 = Math.cos(a);
var r1 = Math.sin(a);
d[0] = r0 * sx,d[3] = -r1 * sy,d[6] = tx;
d[1] = r1 * sx,d[4] = r0 * sy, d[7] = ty;
d[2] = 0, d[5] = 0, d[8] = 1;
return this;
* @method translate
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @description Applies translation to matrix
* @param tx x translation
* @param ty y translation
this.translate = function(tx, ty) {
this.setTranslation(tx, ty, SQR.Matrix2D.__temp);
return this.multiply(SQR.Matrix2D.__temp);
* @method rotate
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @param a angle in radians
* @description Applies rotation to matrix
this.rotate = function(a) {
this.setRotation(a, SQR.Matrix2D.__temp);
return this.multiply(SQR.Matrix2D.__temp);
* @method scale
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @param sx x scale
* @param sy y scale
* @description Applies scale to matrix
this.scale = function(sx, sy) {
this.setScale(sx, sy, SQR.Matrix2D.__temp);
return this.multiply(SQR.Matrix2D.__temp);
* @method shear
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @param sx x shear
* @param sy y shear
* @description Applies shear to matrix
this.shear = function(sx, sy) {
this.setRotation(sx, sy, SQR.Matrix2D.__temp);
return this.multiply(SQR.Matrix2D.__temp);
var a11, a12, a13, a21, a22, a23, a31, a32, a33;
var b11, b12, b13, b21, b22, b23, b31, b32, b33;
* @method multiply
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @param m matrix to multiply the current matrix by
* @description Multiples current matrix by m and stores result in current matrix.
this.multiply = function(m) {
a = this.data, b = m.data || m;
a11 = a[0],a12 = a[3],a13 = a[6];
a21 = a[1],a22 = a[4],a23 = a[7];
a31 = a[2],a32 = a[5],a33 = a[8];
b11 = b[0],b12 = b[3],b13 = b[6];
b21 = b[1],b22 = b[4],b23 = b[7];
b31 = b[2],b32 = b[5],b33 = b[8];
a[0] = a11 * b11 + a12 * b21 + a13 * b31;
a[3] = a11 * b12 + a12 * b22 + a13 * b32;
a[6] = a11 * b13 + a12 * b23 + a13 * b33;
a[1] = a21 * b11 + a22 * b21 + a23 * b31;
a[4] = a21 * b12 + a22 * b22 + a23 * b32;
a[7] = a21 * b13 + a22 * b23 + a23 * b33;
//a[6] = a31 * b11 + a32 * b21 + a33 * b31;
//a[7] = a31 * b12 + a32 * b22 + a33 * b32;
//a[8] = a31 * b13 + a32 * b23 + a33 * b33;
return this;
* @method copyTo
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @param m matrix to copy values to. Can be {SQR.Matrix2D} or {Float32Array}
* @description Copies current matrix values to m
this.copyTo = function(m) {
a = this.data,b = m.data || m;
b[0] = a[0],b[1] = a[1],b[2] = a[2];
b[3] = a[3],b[4] = a[4],b[5] = a[5];
b[6] = a[6],b[7] = a[7],b[8] = a[8];
return m;
* @method copyFrom
* @memberof SQR.Matrix2D.prototype
* @param m matrix to copy values from. Can be {SQR.Matrix2D} or {Float32Array}
* @description Copies values from m into the current matrix
this.copyFrom = function(m) {
a = m.data || m,b = this.data;
b[0] = a[0],b[1] = a[1],b[2] = a[2];
b[3] = a[3],b[4] = a[4],b[5] = a[5];
b[6] = a[6],b[7] = a[7],b[8] = a[8];
return this;
SQR.Matrix2D.__temp = new Float32Array(9);