* @namespace SceneParser
* @memberof SQR
* @description Utility to load scenes from J3D/Unity exported JSON files.
SQR.SceneParser = (function() {
// var skinnedMeshLayout = function() { return { aPosition: 3, aNormal: 3, aUV: 2, aWeight: 4, aIndex: 4 } };
var arrayToObject = function(a, v) {
v.x = a[0];
v.y = a[1];
v.z = a[2];
if(v.w) v.w = a[3];
return {
* @method fromJSON
* @memberof SQR.SceneParser
* @description Parses the J3D JSON scene data format and creates a SQR.Buffer out of it.
* @param {Object} assets The assets loaded with SQR.Loader or otherwise.
* This method will expect to find all the 3 exported files in there, named 'scene', 'mesh' and 'anim'.
* Alternatively a prefix can be provided in the seconds, options argument.
* @param {Object} options Options on how to parse the scene.
parse: function(assets, options) {
options = options || {};
var prefix = options.prefix || '';
var scene = assets[prefix + 'scene'];
var meshes = assets[prefix + 'mesh'];
var anim = assets[prefix + 'anim'];
if(options.context) {
var bc = scene.background;
options.context.clearColor(bc.r, bc.g, bc.b);
var getDefaultShader = (function() {
var d;
return function() {
if(!d) d = options.shader.setUniform ? options.shader : SQR.Shader(options.shader);
return d;
// If this is a scene coming from unity we need to flip the matrix
// TODO: this doesn't play well with the WebVR thing btw....
SQR.flipMatrix = (options && options.flipMatrix) ? options.flipMatrix : false;
var buffers = {}, bufferByName = {};
var skinnedMeshes = [];
var animations = {};
for(var n in meshes) {
var md = meshes[n];
var layout = SQR.v3n3u2();
if(md.boneWeights) {
layout.aWeight = 4;
layout.aIndex = 4;
if(md.uv2) {
layout.aUV2 = 2;
var b = SQR.Mesh.fromJSON(md, null, { layout: layout });
buffers[n] = b;
bufferByName[md.name] = b;
for(var m in scene.materials) {
var mat = scene.materials[m];
mat.uColor = SQR.Color().setRGB(mat.color.r, mat.color.g, mat.color.b);
var root = new SQR.Transform();
var camera;
var ts = scene.transforms;
ts.forEach(function(td) {
var t = new SQR.Transform(td.name, td.uid);
t.useQuaternion = true;
arrayToObject(td.position, t.position);
arrayToObject(td.rotation, t.quaternion);
if(td.scale) arrayToObject(td.scale, t.scale);
t.data = td;
if(td.bones) skinnedMeshes.push(t);
if(td.camera) {
camera = t;
var cd = scene.cameras[td.camera];
// var resize = function() {
var w = window.innerWidth, h = window.innerHeight, aspect = w/h;
camera.projection = new SQR.ProjectionMatrix().perspective(cd.fov, aspect, cd.near, cd.far);
// }
// window.addEventListener('resize', resize);
// resize();
if(td.lightmapTileOffset) {
t.uniforms = t.uniforms || {};
t.uniforms.uLightmapTileOffset = td.lightmapTileOffset;
if(td.mesh) {
t.buffer = buffers[td.meshId];
if(td.collider) {
var c;
switch(td.collider.type) {
case 'sphere':
c = SQR.Collider.Sphere();
c.radius = td.collider.radius;
arrayToObject(td.collider.center, c.center);
case 'box':
c = SQR.Collider.Box();
var cn = td.collider.center, si = td.collider.size;
c.box = {
maxX: cn[0] + si[0]/2, minX: cn[0] - si[0]/2,
maxY: cn[1] + si[1]/2, minY: cn[1] - si[1]/2,
maxZ: cn[2] + si[2]/2, minZ: cn[2] - si[2]/2,
case 'mesh':
c = SQR.Collider.Mesh(buffers[td.meshId]);
t.collider = c;
if(td.renderer) {
// we will deal with skinned meshes below
if(!td.bones) t.shader = getDefaultShader();
t.uniforms = t.uniforms || {};
t.uniforms.uColor = scene.materials[td.renderer].color;
if(td.parent) {
} else {
skinnedMeshes.forEach(function(s) {
var bs = s.data.bones, bst = [], numBones = bs.length;
bs.forEach(function(id) {
var boneMatrices = [];
s.shader = SQR.Shader(options.shader, {
directives: [
{ name: 'NUM_BONES', value: numBones },
{ name: 'BONE_PER_VERTEX', value: 4 }
s.beforeDraw = function() {
for(var i = 0; i < numBones; i++) {
boneMatrices[i] = bst[i].computeBoneMatrix();
s.shader.use().setUniform('uBones', boneMatrices);
for(var id in anim) {
var data = anim[id];
animations[id] = {
duration: data.length,
transforms: {}
for(var c in data.curves) {
animations[id].transforms[c] = {
properties: {}
for(var p in data.curves[c]) {
var keyframes = [];
var d = data.curves[c][p];
if(options.linearAnimation) {
for(var i = 0; i < d.keys.length; i += 4) {
var a = d.keys[i + 0];
var b = d.keys[i + 1];
keyframes.push(new SQR.V2(a, b));
} else {
for(var i = 0; i < d.keys.length - 4; i += 4) {
var k1t = d.keys[i+0];
var k1v = d.keys[i+1];
var k1o = d.keys[i+3];
var k2t = d.keys[i+4];
var k2v = d.keys[i+5];
var k2i = d.keys[i+6];
var start = new SQR.V2(k1t, k1v);
var end = new SQR.V2(k2t, k2v);
var dt = (end.x - start.x) / 3.0;
var st = new SQR.V2( dt, dt * k1o).add(start);
var et = new SQR.V2(-dt, -dt * k2i).add(end);
keyframes.push(new SQR.Bezier(start, st, et, end));
animations[id].transforms[c].properties[p] = keyframes;
root.recurse(function(t) {
if(t.data && t.data.animationId) {
var id = t.data.animationId;
var data = animations[id];
// Aniation file is missing or was not exported, abort.
if(!data) return;
t.animation = SQR.Animation(data.duration);
for(var cn in data.transforms) {
var c = t.findByPath(cn);
c.clip = SQR.Clip(data.duration);
for(var p in data.transforms[cn].properties) {
c.clip.addProperty(p, data.transforms[cn].properties[p]);
if(options.autoPlay) t.animation.play();
}, true);
return {
root: root, camera: camera, buffers: bufferByName